Hi There!
This is AS 138435
AS 147047
YuetAu Network
. Welcome Onboard.
歡迎來到 AS 138435
AS 147047
YuetAu Network
We are operating on IPv6 only. 我們只支持 IPv6。
Our Aims / 我們的目標
- We believe in / 我們相信
- Easy Access to Internet for everyone, / 每個人都可以輕鬆訪問互聯網
- Communicate Privately and Securely, / 私密且安全地進行通信
- the Freedom of Speech, / 言論自由
- Collaboration to become better. / 携手合作來變得更好
- We hope our peers and clients to embrace these values in order to maintain a peaceful environment.
- 我們希望我們的伙伴和客戶能夠擁護這些價值觀以維持和平的網絡環境。
Prefixes / 路由前綴
- We will be announcing following routes / 我們現時宣告以下路由 :
- We will be also announcing more specified routes in different regions.
- 我們亦會在不同地域內宣告該地域更細緻的路由。
Peering Policy / 對等互聯策略